1972 - 1978, Anik A1 - B Communications Satellite Launch

Anik A1

Launched on November 9, 1972, Anik A1 made Canada the first country ever to inaugurate a domestic communications satellite in geostationary orbit.

Anik A2
Launched on April 20, 1973, Canada's Anika A2, a second communications satellite, brings network radio, TV and improved telephone services to Canadians living in the North.

Anik A3

Launched on May 7, 1975, on a Delta rocket, is Canada's Anik A3. Telesat Canada accomplishes another world first by teaming Anik A3 with A2 in the same orbital position to permit the still usable channels on each satellite to be operated as if they were onboard the same spacecraft.

Anik B 

Launched on December 15, 1978, atop a Delta rocket, is Anik B, which is Canada's fourth communications satellite. Anik B is the world's first dual-band communications satellite, replacing the Anik A series as a commercial satellite. 

More Information: NASA - SP-4217 Beyond the Ionosphere

1972 - 1978, Anik A1 - B